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Registration and Academic Council Department

The Department of registration and academic advice of the Tajik International University of Foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda is an integral part of the Institute's structure, it keeps records of students ' activities under the credit system and recommends using the results of achievements at events, presenting them to the Dean of the faculty for analysis and discussion.

The activities of the registration and academic advice Department are as follows:

- preparation of samples (forms) of various types of documents for registration of students and teachers according to educational and individual plans:

- organization of annual registration of students in the acquisition of basic and selective disciplines, as well as teachers with the help of advisors;

- preparation of the academic calendar of the learning process and monitoring its compliance;

- organization of consultations for students and employees of the Institute on the credit system of education and other issues related to the activities of students and teachers;

- organization and implementation of the point-rating system in the educational process and during the examination session;

- control over the process of current, intermediate and final exams;

- providing students with the necessary legal documents;

- preparation of students ' personal study cards;

- summarizing the results of intermediate and final exams, determining the rating of students and presenting them to the deans of faculties, summarizing the results of each semester and determining the average score (GPA) of each student and its compliance with the established standards;

- submission to the Dean's office of the faculties and the academic part of the list of students who received an f and Fx or GPA rating below the set limit;

- preparation and official registration of a transcript (academic certificate, diploma insert) for each student;

- official registration of individual curricula of students within the established time frame;

- preparing a presentation on the admission of students to pass exams based on the results of ratings;

- preparing a presentation on the transfer of students to a course from a course based on the results of the examination session and their GPA level;

- organization of work on archiving of students ' educational documents;

- depending on the location of the faculties, the Department of registration and academic advice can be centrally created as a part of the academic unit;

- the staff of the registration and academic consulting Department includes a head of the Department, a chief specialist and the specialist;

In 2006-2007, the Institute's first major in English (translator) had been switched to a new education system. In this group, at the first stage there were 50 students. In the 2006-2007 academic year, Abdulvadudov Orazbonu was the main head of the registration Department.

Currently, the office of registration and academic consulting employs Iftikhori A. (head of the Department), Nurakhmadzoda D. (chief specialist), and Kosimov I. (specialist).