Institute’s museum is one of the structural unit of the Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda, which was founded by the administration in September 2016.
To introduce the history, and achievements of university, and presentation the scientific result of the Institute’s scientists.
The main aim of museum is to collect, to protect the acquisition, to register files, collection, protect and regular usage of materials, to organize and improving the fund of museum, prepare spherical program, presentation of historical and cultural monuments of university and his infrastructure.
For securing this aim the museum realizes this objects:
- wakening the museum’s fund, to attract teachers, workers and students to collect historical, cultural and scientific heritage connected to the faculties specialists of university and the material which has national and humanitarian values;
- cooperation with the teachers of the department of historical and economical theory of Institute gathering of exhibits by the organizing excavation, ethnographic expedition, gathering, according to decision to put on the buying of historical exhibition, as a present to receive exhibition connected to the educational and cultural sphere;
- researching exhibit items and exhibits collections;
- protection and usage of exhibit items and exhibits collections according to;
- offering the fund of museum to audience, guests, teachers and students as a exposition, temporarily tour of performances, audiovisual and printed materials;
- contractual cooperation with a real, loyal home and foreign peoples;
- to organize business trips for research affairs, studies, cooperation according to bilateral contractual and to give a methodical helps to another museums of higher educational institution;
- with attraction of specialists in this sphere to organize and perform conferences, seminars and symposiums;
- preparation of lists, booklets, albums, guides for ordering the material of museum;
- for perfecting the special knowledge of students on the cooperation with the university’s faculties to organize club-lectures;
- to preparing the informational pockets about the working activities of faculty’s ex-teachers, the competent teachers which has educational-scientific activities till this day, nowadays the university’s graduators are working in the different administrating posts.