Security service of the Tajik International University of Foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda in the performance of official duties to the farm operates in accordance with the Charter of the state educational institution"Tajik State Institute of Language" Regulations on services and other regulatory legal acts of the industry are responsible for implementation of the following conditions:
- development and implementation of a system of measures to ensure the safety and security of production functions of structural units of the University:
- organization of routine work and control at the faculties of the university on the protection of information processes of computer systems and communications:
- organization of necessary security of the licensing and indoor regime in educational and administrative buildings of University:
- ensuring the safety of the leadership of the faculty and staff of the University:
Organization of immediate use and application of technical means of protection and other special technical means:
- interaction with law enforcement agencies and state law enforcement agencies in the interests of security and safety of the University:
- forecasting and processing functions and recommendations on security and safety issues of the University:
- strict observance of the Rules of Internal Procedure and job descriptions while performing official duties:
- organization of training and professional development of service staff, assistance to heads of faculties on issues related to their competence:
The security service of the institute was established on July 2, 2015